

吉塞尔尔孔尼。对于中风来说,分秒必争! 当有人中风时,他们的大脑得不到所需的血液. Treatment is needed right away to reduce the chance of brain damage, disability, or even death.

中风是导致死亡和残疾的主要原因之一. Data shows that a stroke occurs every 40 seconds and results in death every four minutes. Understanding what happens when someone has a stroke and what the warning signs of a stroke are can help save lives.

Strokes occur when there is a blockage or rupture of blood vessels in the brain. 有几种原因可以导致中风.

“An ischemic stroke is a more common type of stroke often caused by a blood clot that blocks the blood supply to the brain,吉赛尔·法尔科尼说, MD, 贝勒格莱德湖畔医疗中心的家庭医学住院医生, 佛罗里达. “This type of stroke is commonly seen in patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat that may feel like palpitations or a fluttering of the heart.”

Transient ischemic attacks (TIA) are a type of "mini stroke" when the disruption in blood flow is short but is considered a medical emergency and is a warning sign of an impending stroke.

Conversely, one of the primary causes of hemorrhagic strokes is high blood pressure. 当某人有高血压时, the blood traveling through their body exerts a greater than normal force on the walls of the blood vessels. 在小血管中,这会导致血管破裂. When this occurs in the brain, it leads to a condition known as hemorrhagic stroke. 这种中风是由出血引起的.

类似的, people with diabetes can develop high blood pressure due to narrowing of the blood vessels from diabetes. Diabetes can also reduce the elasticity of blood vessels that can increase the tendency to rupture with increased high blood pressure.

心脏病是中风的另一个常见原因. Any condition that interferes with the ability of the heart to pump appropriately is a risk to the development of a stroke. 增大的心脏会产生比正常情况下更大的压力, 从而冒着血管破裂的风险. A weakened heart can also increase the chances of a stroke due to reduced blood flow which can lead to blood clots.

肥胖也会导致中风. Obesity increases the chances of someone developing diabetes and high blood pressure. Additionally, obesity is associated with the formation of plaque in blood vessels.

高胆固醇也是导致中风的主要原因. High cholesterol levels can lead to fat deposits in the walls of blood vessels. This can lead to inflammatory reactions, which further damage blood vessels.

通常,生活方式的选择会导致中风. 吸烟被认为是中风的主要原因. 尼古丁, 在香烟中, promotes the narrowing of blood vessels which slows down blood flow and increases the formation of blood clots. 类似于高胆固醇, nicotine promotes inflammation in blood vessels that decreases the ability of the blood vessel to adjust in size in response to pressure changes. This creates the perfect storm of stiffened blood vessels and blood clots from smoking that can lead to the rupture or blockage of the small blood vessels in the brain, 导致中风.

Other lifestyle causes of stroke include a poor diet, drinking alcohol, and lack of exercise. 加工食品:由加工食品组成的饮食, with a high fatty/salt content has a direct relationship with developing obesity, 高胆固醇, 2型糖尿病, 和高血压. 大量饮酒使人易患高血压. 缺乏锻炼也可能是中风的原因之一. 运动有助于利用体内的葡萄糖, 从而减少可转化为身体脂肪的量. Exercise helps lower a person’s chance of developing obesity and diabetes. 锻炼也有助于保持血压稳定.

压力也会导致中风. 一个人的心理状态会影响他们的心脏功能, 血糖, 甚至饮食习惯. 以这种方式, stress can accelerate the progression of diabetes and high blood pressure, 可能会导致中风.

While a person can take steps to reduce the impact of the many causes of a stroke, it is also important everyone recognize the signs of a stroke to saves lives.

The most common signs or symptoms of a stroke can be checked using the FAST test. The FAST test is a simple quick assessment anyone can perform to check for a stroke.

F王牌 – If a person smiles and one side of their f王牌 droops, 这可能是中风的征兆.

Arms – If a person has both of their 手臂s raised to the side and one of the 手臂s drops down, 这可能是中风的征兆.

peech 说话含糊不清或说话奇怪可能是中风的征兆.

T输入法设置 – if a person shows any of these signs, 911 should be called immediately.

Other warning signs of a stroke include numbness or weakness in a person’s f王牌, 手臂, 或腿, 尤其是在一边. 理解他人的困惑或困难, 说话困难, 单眼或双眼视力障碍是中风的警告信号. 走路的问题, 协调, 突然头晕, and severe headache that comes on for no reason can be warning signs of a stroke.

“One condition that patients should pay particular attention to is a migraine with aura, 如一道闪光或视觉的变化,”医生说。. 尔孔尼。. “An aura is a sensory disturbance that precedes migraine headaches and can predispose someone to stroke. If you have any questions about strokes, be sure to ask your primary care physician.”

Everyone should take the t输入法设置 to learn the signs and symptoms of a stroke and how to perform the FAST test to help reduce the number of people who suffer brain damage, 一个残疾, 或者死于中风.


The 澳门美梅高官方网站 provides primary medical care, 牙科服务和新型冠状病毒肺炎检测在C. L. Brumback初级保健诊所, 为符合条件的未参保居民提供的健康保险计划, 药房运营, 全国公认的创伤系统, 近170所公立学校的注册护士, 短期和长期的熟练护理在5星级的爱德华J. 里维埃拉海滩的希利康复护理中心, 以及教学医院的急症护理, 湖畔医疗中心, which is accredited by The Joint Commission and serves the rural Glades’ communities.

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This project is supported by the Health 资源 and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number H80CS25684 for Health Center Cluster in the award amount of $7,111,563. 在整个项目中,81.9%由民间资金提供. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, HRSA也不应该推断出任何支持, 卫生与公众服务部或美国.S. 政府. C. L. Brumback初级保健诊所 were granted Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) deeming status effective 1月 1, 2021.