
HFYH: 联合中国人民银行: Connecting to Social Services 五月 be the Best Medicine


搜索 the internet for the leading causes of death in the United States and you’ll find a variety of responses that might resemble the following list [1]:

  1. 心脏病:每年647,457人死亡
  2. 癌症:每年死亡599,108人
  3. 事故(意外伤害):每年死亡169 936人
  4. 慢性下呼吸道疾病:每年死亡160201人
  5. 中风(脑血管疾病):每年死亡146 383人


不过还有一个列表, 平等的, and perhaps greater importance in the battle against the diseases and conditions that claim American lives. The other list is equally as impactful and one that can potentially be addressed with interventions that do not require the latest advances in medicine and science. 列表 [2] 每个人都可以解决以下死亡原因, collectively 工作ing together to help our neighbors and those who face difficult challenges in their daily lives:

  1. 低教育水平:每年死亡24.5万人
  2. 种族隔离:每年造成17.6万人死亡
  3. 社会支持低:每年有162 000人死亡
  4. 个人贫困:每年133 000人死亡
  5. 收入不平等:每年造成11.9万人死亡
  6. 地区贫困:每年死亡3.9万人


低教育等社会问题导致的死亡率估计, 贫困, and income are comparable to deaths caused by the leading pathophysiological causes. The number of deaths attributable to low 教育 is comparable to the number caused by acute myocardial infarction. The number of deaths attributable to racial segregation is comparable to the number from cerebrovascular disease. And the number attributable to low social support is comparable to deaths from lung cancer.

The leading causes of death presented above are part of a group of variables known as Social Determinants of Health (SDoH). SDoH是指人们居住的地方的条件, 学习, 工作, and play that affect a wide range of health and quality-of life-risks and outcomes.[3] SDoH不容易解决,往往需要大量的投资(如.e. 贫困), 但当务之急是,作为一个社区,必须协调一致, technologically-advanced focus be placed on addressing these conditions so everyone has a chance to achieve their fullest potential in leading healthy and productive lives.



Organizations in every community are trying to address SDoH every day. They range from small non-profit organizations to municipal, county, and state governments. Programs are available to address hunger through food pantries and similar resources. Agencies address homelessness and housing assistance through homeless shelters, 租金援助和临时住房. 其他项目帮助支付公用事业费用, 运输, 教育, 职业培训和关键的心理健康支持.

一位身穿蓝色西装外套、面带微笑的女士坐在一台笔记本电脑前In many communities a variety of these services and programs are available. 然而, 建立对项目的认识, connecting those in need and then tracking and measuring outcomes present an ongoing challenge. 为了应对这一挑战,棕榈滩县引入了 联合中国人民银行!

联合中国人民银行 is a community-wide coordinated net工作 of service providers who are connecting clients to their social service, 医疗, 以及行为健康需求. 联合中国人民银行 is a new initiative of the 澳门美梅高官方网站. 虽然还在早期阶段, 供应商的网络正在增长, 正在发送急需服务的转介, 人们的期望也很高!

达西J. 戴维斯, 棕榈滩县医疗保健区的首席执行官, 解释说:“通过联合人民银行, the Health Care District seamlessly connects residents in need of vital social services to the county’s many outstanding community organizations that deliver health and human services, 比如食品储藏室, 住房援助和交通. This model of care supports our mission to fill the gaps in our county’s healthcare delivery system.”

联合人民银行利用社会服务转介平台, 我们团结在一起, to allow for the efficient referral of patients or clients to the services they need. The referral platform transforms the outdated process of using written lists of social service organizations and places them into a real-time, 电子系统. The 联合中国人民银行 platform allows the social service organizations to case manage clients’ needs to ensure that they are quickly connected to one or more organizations. The new 联合中国人民银行 referral net工作 does away with clients simply receiving contact information for a service organization with little or no follow-up, and instead provides the referring organization with confirmation that the services were provided. 通过跟踪和测量结果, 联合中国人民银行 will provide metrics to help identify opportunities for improvement.

在一起, 通过联合人民银行, we can all address Social Determinants of Health to help reduce the leading causes of death attributable to social factors. 首页less patients can be connected to a food pantry where they receive nutritious food to help them better control their diabetes. The pregnant mom who lacks 运输 can be linked to a local agency so she can travel to all of her prenatal visits. The family that is struggling to choose between paying their rent and electricity bill or their lifesaving prescriptions can be connected to an organization that provides rent or utility assistance, 使他们能够继续服药.

社会因素与健康息息相关. Addressing these gaps is as important as addressing an individual’s 医疗 conditions. 双管齐下的方法将带来更好的健康, 为每个人提供更高的效率和更好的结果.



The 澳门美梅高官方网站 provides primary 医疗 care, dental services and 新型冠状病毒肺炎 testing for adults and children at the C. L. Brumback初级保健诊所, 为符合条件的未参保居民提供的健康保险计划, 药房运营, 全国公认的创伤系统, 近170所公立学校的注册护士, 短期和长期的熟练护理在5星级的爱德华J. 里维埃拉海滩的希利康复护理中心, 以及教学医院的急症护理, 湖畔医疗中心, which is accredited by The Joint Commission and serves the rural Glades’ communities.


关于C. L. Brumback初级保健诊所

This project is supported by the Health 资源 and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number H80CS25684 for Health Center Cluster in the award amount of $7,019,063.  在整个项目中,有78个.6%由民间资金提供. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, HRSA也不应该推断出任何支持, 卫生与公众服务部或美国.S. 政府. C. L. Brumback初级保健诊所 were granted Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) deeming status effective 1月 1, 2020.


[1] http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm

[2] 美国社会因素导致的估计死亡人数

Sandro Galea, Melissa Tracy, Katherine J. 霍格特,查尔斯·迪马乔,亚当·卡尔帕蒂

公共卫生. 2011 Aug; 101(8): 1456–1465.

[3] http://www.cdc.gov/socialdeterminants/index.htm